Customer Service Watchmaker Program

Upon completing the program, participants will be qualified customer service watchmakers.

Next dates for this course

  • 3 August 2026 - 30 July 2027
Course duration 1 years
Level Mixed
Languages English
Price CHF 19'000.-


Please note that this program is very intensive and requires strong motivation.

Candidate must be over 21 years old,

And be able to speak and write English fluently. Proficiency level shoudl correspond to:

  • IELTS: International English Language Testing System: 5.0 - 6.0
  • CEFR: Common European Framework or Reference for Languages: B2

No watchmaking experience required

Applications must be sent to WOSTEP before March 31st, 2025.

(please see the information leaflet for details of documents to be provided)

Space is limited. Short-listed candidates will be requested to take a 2-day test at WOSTEP to evaluate their abilities and manual dexterity, as part of the final selection process. 



The program is based on extensive practical work at the bench, which will enable students to service all types of modern Swiss mechanical and electronic watches.

Watchmaking theory will be taught as the program unfolds.

Start of program: August 2026 to July 2027.

Please see the PDF document below for details.

Documents to provide

  1. Curriculum Vitae 
  2. Copy of ID/or passport 
  3. Copy of any previous diplomas 
  4. A reference letter (by previous employer, trainer or teacher) 
  5. A short letter explaining your motivation and what you expect from the program
  6. 1 passport-quality photo


CHF 19'000.- (without accommodation) The fee includes the following:

  • Tutition, support for administrative procdures on arrival and administrative expenses
  • Complete toolkit and horlogery theory books
  • Special courses on specific products, visits to companies and manufactures 
  • Ressources (infrastructure, tools, machines, movements, spare parts and components)


The WOSTEP certificate will be awarded to those participants who have completed the required exercises during the program and passed each examination.


Informationen zum Kurs sind auch auf Deutsch verfügbar, au Anfrage unter wostep@wostep

Informazioni sul corso sono disponibili anche in italiano, su richiesta all'indririzzo

Información es sobre el curso también están disponibles en castellano, previa solicitud en